Spaying and Neutering

Pet Neutering and Spaying at a Veterinarian Near You

Most veterinary professionals agree that pet spaying and neutering is the best possible way to prevent unwanted litters and control the unwanted pet population. At the Animal Hospital of Colin County located in Allen, TX, our team agrees that this common pet surgery has many benefits. Whether you're looking for cat spaying, cat neutering, dog spaying, or dog neutering, our vets are experienced in all the procedures. If you're on the fence about whether or not to spay or neuter your pet, read on for some helpful information.

Spay and Neuter

What Is Spaying and Neutering?

It's easy to confuse the two procedures and what exactly each entails. To put it simply, spaying is the surgical removal of the female reproductive organs (the uterus and ovaries). Neutering is the surgical removal of the testes from male pets. Both cat surgery and dog surgery make it impossible for pets to reproduce.

What Are the Benefits of Spaying and Neutering?

Other than assisting in controlling an already out of control homeless pet population, spaying and neutering come with a wealth of health and behavioral benefits as well, including:

•             Eliminating the risk of ovarian, uterine, and testicular cancer

•             Drastically reducing the risk of mammary cancer

•             Contributing to overall better health and extending lifespan

•             Reduced chance if certain infections

•             Less likely to roam or runaway

•             No messy heat cycle

•             Less spraying (inappropriate urination)

•             A calmer, quieter pet

•             Less aggressive and destructive behaviors

•             A more affectionate companion for you

What Happens During Surgery?

On the day of surgery, your pets will be given a pre-surgical exam. Once cleared for the procedure, they will be prepped and out under anesthesia. During the surgery, pets are closely monitored, and given fluids, oxygen, and pain meds as needed. After the organs are removed, your pets will be sutured and sent to recovery for several hours before being sent home.

What Will I Need To do at Home?

Your pets will need 10–14 days to fully recover and resume normal activity. However, they should feel better after 24–48 hours. During that time, it's vital you keep them in a quiet, comfortable room, administer medication as directed, and follow wound care directions from the vet.

Contact Us

If you're thinking of having your pets spayed or neutered and need an animal clinic in Allen, TX, that you can trust, give The Animal Hospital of Colin County a call at: 1(972)7275748. Someone from our friendly staff will be happy to help you.



Animal Hospital of Collin County


1021 S Greenville Ave,
Allen, TX 75002


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm



