Dental Care

Routine veterinary care goes beyond vaccinations and parasite prevention. Just like us, pets require dental care to maintain overall health and well-being. At Animal Hospital of Collin County in Allen, TX, we offer comprehensive pet dental services to keep your furry friend's smile sparkling and their mouth healthy.

Dental Care

The Dangers of Poor Pet Dental Health

While domesticated cats and dogs don't face the same challenges as their wild ancestors, their powerful teeth are still susceptible to problems. Without proper dental care, pets can develop a variety of health issues, including:

•             Dental Pain and Discomfort: Just like us, pets experience pain when their teeth are damaged or infected. This pain can lead to lethargy, decreased appetite, and changes in behavior.

•             Periodontal Disease: This gum infection is the leading cause of tooth loss in pets. Signs of periodontal disease include bad breath, bleeding gums, and loose teeth.

•             Oral Infections: Left untreated, dental problems can lead to serious infections that can spread throughout the body.

Why Regular Veterinary Dental Care Matters

Regular veterinary checkups are crucial for maintaining your pet's dental health. During these exams, your veterinarian can:

•             Perform a Thorough Dental Cleaning: Professional cleanings remove plaque and tartar buildup, preventing future dental problems.

•             Identify Early Signs of Dental Disease: Early detection and treatment of dental issues can help prevent tooth loss and other complications.

•             Develop a Personalized Dental Care Plan: Your veterinarian can recommend a home dental care routine, including proper brushing techniques and appropriate dental products, to keep your pet's teeth clean between professional cleanings.

Maintaining Your Pet's Oral Health at Home

In addition to veterinary dental care, there are steps you can take at home to promote your pet's oral health:

•             Brushing Your Pet's Teeth: Brushing your pet's teeth daily with a pet-specific toothpaste can significantly improve their dental health.

•             Dental Treats and Chews: Certain dental treats and chews can help remove plaque and tartar buildup.

•             Dental Diets: Special dental diets can help control plaque and tartar buildup and promote oral health.

Schedule Your Pet's Dental Appointment Today

At Animal Hospital of Collin County, we understand the importance of pet dental care. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for your pet's dental cleaning and checkup. Our experienced veterinarians near you are dedicated to helping your furry friend maintain a healthy smile for years to come!

Animal Hospital of Collin County


1021 S Greenville Ave,
Allen, TX 75002


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm



